:: our debut album is available everywhere digital music is sold :: Spotify Google Play iTunes / Apple Music Amazon Music

:: our debut album is available everywhere digital music is sold :: Spotify Google Play iTunes / Apple Music Amazon Music
:: the pre-sale for diana drive starts today where ever digital music is sold! Apple — https://music.apple.com/us/album/diana-drive/1512920540 Google — https://play.google.com/store/music/album/diana_drive_Diana_Drive?id=Bdjnbbbm4jlcqrhd7fsqucgfeoy :: every pre-order helps us tremendously :: thank-you for considering!
diana drive’s debut album which will be self titled, will drop on June 16, 2020 :: the album will contain the singles Part of a Particle, Hesitate, and Mind’s Eye, along with nine other tracks :: pre-order will start on May 19th, and those who Read More …